
Quality in Action

At the beginning of an engagement, the client selects five satisfaction criteria that are most important. We select five enabler criteria which we feel are the keys to success for delivering the client's criteria. Working with the client, we collaboratively map the key enablers to the satisfaction criteria and assign weightings. This process creates our Quality scorecard.

The qualitative criteria within the scorecard can vary widely but must be appropriate for the engagement. Typical criteria include the following:

  • Anticipation -
    Team members provide value-added suggestions by thinking proactively
  • Issue Resolution -
    Issues are resolved in a prompt and timely manner by both parties
  • Availability -
    Team members are available for execution of project tasks when scheduled
  • Knowledge Transfer -
    Team members communicate best practices information proactively
  • Autonomy -
    Team members execute their assignment with minimum client management attention
  • Methodology -
    Team members consistently use appropriate methodologies which provide predictable results
  • Commitment -
    Team members are committed to successful completion of the project
  • Productivity -
    Time and amount of resources to execute requested tasks meet commercially accepted standards
  • Cost Control -
    Expenditures are agreed to before the fact and stay within budget
  • Quality of Deliverables -
    Deliverables successfully pass predefined acceptance tests
  • Creativity -
    Team members have the ability to successfully apply creative solutions/process in unique situations
  • Responsiveness -
    Requests are efficiently acknowledged, understood, analyzed and processed
  • Behavior -
    Team members act according to client standards of reliability, integrity, and appearance
  • Schedule Control -
    Events and deliverables meet the dates which are accepted and agreed to by both parties
  • Compliance -
    Processes used to produce deliverables comply with client predefined technical standards
  • Team Playing -
    Team members share and build upon ideas and models, or processes
  • Communications -
    Information is communicated quickly, accurately, assertively, completely and through the proper channels
  • Technical Knowledge -
    Team members have appropriate expertise in the technical environment
  • Functional Knowledge -
    Team members demonstrate significant understanding of the client business environment
  • Value Creation -
    Value is created as a result of the project deliverables either real or perceived

The scorecard is routinely examined at pre-determined milestones throughout the engagement. As such, the joint team is consistently focused on the most critical factors to deliver a successful project.

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